April 25, 2009
Bull of Canonization of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria
April 20, 2009
Listening to our Readers..
April 3, 2009
A Daily Lesson in Holines of St. Anthony M. Zaccaria on DISCRETION
April 1.
Discretion is discernment over the real attribute of things, and over which things are to be kept and which are to be laid aside.
April 2.
Discretion is the eye of the mind, which in no way will make us err.
April 3.
Discretion, which is the same as prudence, restrain us from licentiousness, and motivates us to goodness.
April 4.
Discretion keeps us from falling into vices; it rather purifies all vices and transforms them into virtues.
April 5
It is its nature that discretion weighs up both external and inner virtues.
April 6
The most sublime and perfect discretion is more of heavenly things than of earthly things.
April 7.
The eye of discretion is so clear that it sees even the minutest thing; he who does not see it is not discreet.
April 8.
A discreet person has eyes, front and back, top and bottom, right and left. It is because of discretion that man is a lot similar to God.
April 9.
A person who grows in discretion grows also in other virtues.
April 10.
To a discreet person, failure is beneficial, for through it he learns to be more careful. Discretion by itself teaches that one can receive healing from wounds, and he can gain both from failures as well as from successes.
April 11.
When the devil sees our discretion to be truly firm, he does not dare to assail it.
April 12.
A person who is truly discreet is far from falling. If he falls, it is because he is indiscreet.
April 13.
A person who is discreet is hated by those who may seem to have virtues, but who do not actually have.These are the lukewarm and the imperfect. They are like a thorn in his side.
April 14.
A discreet person is hated by the malicious. However, one can never lightly determine which is worse, the persecution of the malicious or the persecution of the lukewarm.
April 15.
The persecution of the lukewarm against persons who are discreet is varied and continuous, but the persecution of the malicious is done all at once and is persistent.
April 16.
As salt is needed for food, so discretion is needed for any action. As food becomes tasteless without salt, so virtue becomes meaningless without discretion.
April 17.
Discretion can be acquired through careful examination of one’s work and diligence in putting it to completion.
April 18.
Discretion often leads us to what is best and towards the highest virtue. A person can never be discreet unless he strives to reach the highest peak of virtue.
April 19.
You will be able to reach perfect discretion only if you desire harm and insult.
April 20.
Only a discreet person can hide or show his virtues, or yet extol them, without shame.
April 21.
He who practices virtue without discretion is like throwing dust to the winds.
April 22.
These are signs of a discreet person: he knows what steps to make when in doubt; he accepts everything from the hands of God with great tranquility; and he is able to give great and wholesome advice to others.
April 23.
Many look discreet in certain situations, but when they are in another, they appear to be what they really are, stupid and imprudent.
April 24
A discreet person knows how to be in want and in abundance. When he does not, he is indiscreet.
April 25.
A discreet person knows how to give reasons to everything, even the most impossible ones.
April 26.
A person who is perfectly discreet already overcomes his bad inclinations. He who is still tied up with some passion is not yet perfectly discreet.
April 27.
Discretion is not too much or too little. It avoids extreme prudence as well as excessive stupidity.
April 28.
Extreme prudence does not recognize one’s defects and at the same time does not excuse the defects of others.
April 29.
Extreme prudence goes beyond what is expected of it. It belittles the deeds of others and criticizes them without diplomacy.
April 30.
Extreme prudence speaks with pretense and makes new laws that hinder the weak.